Publishing wisely
What's next now that you're ready to publish your research?
Academic publishing can be a challenging environment, especially for early career researchers. Our faculty has compiled the necessary information to help navigate the challenges as you become ready to get your research published.
Where to publish
- Publishing guidance from the RSNZ
- RSNZ's guide to selecting a quality publisher and avoiding predatory publishers
- RSNZ's guide to choosing a quality journal
- Getting published: Choosing a journal
- Think. Check. Submit
- The University of Auckland's guide to finding Open Access (OA) content
- The University of Auckland's guide to copyright
Guarding against predatory journals and conferences
- The University of Cambridge's guide to predatory publishers
- The University of British Columbia's workshop on publishing a journal article
- The University of Melbourne's guide to avoiding predatory and unethical publishers
- Enago's guide to identifying and avoiding predatory conferences
Maximising impact
- The University of Auckland's guide to using ORCID
- The University of Auckland's guide to research metrics
Faculty seminars on publishing
Our faculty occasionally host seminars – with guest speakers from academia, research publishing and beyond – targeted at early career researchers and publicising their work. Keep an eye on your University email for more information on any upcoming presentations.
Publishing Wisely: An overview. Size: 4.1 MB.
Document Description: An overview by Professor John Chen and Professor Xun Xu
Publishing and Conferencing: Journals. Size: 786.9 kB.
Document Description: Professor Brian Mace's overview on academic journals
Publishing and Conferencing: Cold Call Invites. Size: 3.9 MB.
Document Description: Professor John Chen's overview on predatory conferences and publishers
Publishing and Conferencing: Conferencing. Size: 1.2 MB.
Document Description: Professor Xun Xu's advice on predatory conferences
Author's identifiers and researcher networks: ORCID. Size: 326.5 kB.
Document Description: A guide to signing up for, and setting up ORCID
Social media for researchers. Size: 2.2 MB.
Document Description: Dr Michelle Dickinson's guide to using social media for researchers