Rainbow Engineering Network
Our Rainbow Engineering Network aims to support rainbow students and staff in the Faculty of Engineering and Design.

Rainbow Engineering is the faculty’s LGBTITakatāpui+ network (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, takatāpui, and more), set up by and for Rainbow students to provide support, advocacy, and opportunities to socialise and network within the faculty and industry.
The University of Auckland’s Equity Policy, which includes LGBTQITakatāpui+ students and staff as an equity group, forms part of our commitment to supporting all those with the potential to succeed at New Zealand's leading university.
Our University offers a range of initiatives aimed at providing support for LGBTQITakatāpui+ students and staff, and is committed to providing an inclusive study and work environment that removes unnecessary, unlawful and unfair barriers.
Within our faculty, the Rainbow Engineering Network provides:
- Opportunities to meet and connect with fellow LGBTQITakatāpui+ students and staff, along with their friends
- Information about services, news and events
- A voice for LGBTQITakatāpui+ students and staff in Engineering and Design
Contact us
If you would like to join the Engineering Rainbow Network or have queries, please contact us via the sign-up form.
You can also follow our Facebook page or email us at rainbowengineering.uoa@gmail.com.