reDesign seminar series

Bringing academic staff, students and industry professionals into a discursive, thought-provoking forum.

The reDesign seminar series is a platform for experts and industry leaders from the fields of design, technology and social entrepreneurship to reveal insights into their work and ways of working.

These experts discuss topics that seek to foster interdisciplinary discussions and collaborative problem-solving. Find out about talks coming up and save your spot below.

AI in Creative Industries Conference

Wednesday 6 March, 1-4pm

This event has ended

AI created image of 3 humanoids in profile from the shoulder up, with inky brightly colored skin. 2 facing left and 1 facing right
AI forum / supplied

Presented in partnership with AI Forum, WētāFX and CreativeHQ, join us on campus for a global conversation combining creators, thought leaders and academia as we connect to the Wellington-based conference via live stream for two sessions.

These sessions are part of a two-day conference in Wellington, New Zealand. Discussion points captured and summarised by Gen AI will be available to all participants.

Deep data and the wisdom of crowds – panel discussion and Q+A

Laura Ellis (BBC) will kick off the discussion with Yves Bergquist (Director AI and neuroscience in media Entertainment Technology Centre) to look at how turbocharged analytics offer us new insight into ways to please audiences, but how painfully nuanced is the whole field when 99% of audience research is garbage?

A panel in conversation with Laura will then discuss the following questions:

  • How do we relate to humans that are not real? And what are the implications for humans? 
  • How can we use these tools in our creative practice rather than asking, 'When will we be replaced'?
  • How do we derive creative benefits from AI while protecting our taonga (treasures)? 
  • Will people appreciate or value the connection to real people more?


A Q&A session will follow, led by Dr Roy Davies (Professional Teaching Fellow, Design, University of Auckland).

Humans in the loop – panel discussion

The second panel will discuss how we derive creative benefits from AI while protecting our taonga (treasures). Are we cutting humans out of the loop? Do we risk losing a vital spark?

The panel in conversation with Laura Ellis (BBC):

Laura will then interview Greg Cross (co-founder and CEO of Soul Machines) to discuss how LLMs change how people think about avatars and how they have changed the market.

A Q&A session will follow, led by Dr Fabio Morreale (School of Music, University of Auckland).

Contact us

If you have any queries about our events, please get in touch.
