Fast Forward lecture series

Fast Forward is Te Pare School of Architecture and Planning's annual lecture series. It aims to foster debate, discussion and development within the disciplines of architecture, urban design and urban planning.

Thaden School Bike Barn by Marlon Blackwell Architects
Marlon Blackwell Architects, Thaden School Bike Barn

A well-known and respected event in the community, Fast Forward is generously sponsored by GIB® .

NZRAB CPD points are available at each lecture. Attendance at each talk is free. All are welcome.

Pete Bossley, Bossley Architects (Auckland)

Architecture/Sketching/Painting: The hunt for a good idea


Wednesday, 12 March 2025, 6:30 pm

Register here!

Pete Bossley is one of the defining figures in New Zealand’s recent architectural history. He is well known for the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa (designed whilst at Jasmax) while his oeuvre also includes the Sir Peter Blake extension to the National Maritime Museum in Auckland, among his civic and museum projects.

While producing some of the nation’s most admired and adventurous houses, he has also delivered apartment buildings, social housing projects, and bridges. He has taught architectural design for over two decades, serving as an adjunct professor of Architecture at Unitec Architecture and Landscape School. He has exhibited and lectured extensively on his work here and internationally.

In 2012 Pete was recognised with the Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects Gold Medal, the highest individual award an architect can receive in New Zealand. Pete will discuss the importance of ideas to underline good architecture, identifying themes that have run through 40 years of architecture, using projects from his practice as examples.

Voyager National Maritime Museum, Pete Bossley
Voyager National Maritime Museum, Pete Bossley

Ana Heremaia and Jo Walsh, ĀKAU (Kaikohe) & Nick Officer and Ben Jagersma, First Light Studio (Wellington)

Emerging Practices: How to Mend the Fractures of Humanity. ĀKAU | First Light Architects

Wednesday, 19 March 2025, 6:30 pm

Register here!

This ‘double feature’ session will present the work of two exciting practices.

Ana Heremaia and Jo Walsh, ĀKAU (Kaikohe):
ĀKAU are committed to collaboration and community engagement from their Te Tai Tokerau, Kaikohe office. Their work seeks to transform the lives of tamariki and whānau through a workshop process that connects people with their tūpuna stories and provides hands-on learning through architecture and design. Across 10 years, the company has moved from furniture design to contributing toward the new sports hub Papa Hawaiki and the new ongoing library project for Kaikohe.

Nick Officer and Ben Jagersma, First Light Studio (Wellington):
Nick and Ben will present two transformative projects, each addressing community needs at different scales and stages of development: a small Wellington church that used seismic strengthening as an opportunity to redefine its role and relevance to a portfolio of public housing solutions for Te Āhuru Mōwai, New Zealand’s largest Māori-owned community housing provider.

These projects demonstrate how thoughtful design can foster stronger, more connected communities. Supported by the Italian Embassy in Wellington, this lecture forms part of the celebration of International Italian Design Day, the theme being ‘community design'.

Supported by the Italian Embassy in Wellington, this lecture forms part of the celebration of international Italian Design Day, the theme being ‘community design’.

Papa Hawaiki, Kaikohe's new sports complex, ĀKAU
Papa Hawaiki, Kaikohe's new sports complex, ĀKAU
Firstlight profile image
Nick Officer and Ben Jagersma, Firstlight

Sarosh Mulla, PAC Studio (Auckland)

PAC Studio fun

Wednesday, 26 March 2025, 6:30 pm.

Register here!

After graduating at the top of his class from the School of Architecture & Planning of Auckland in 2008, Sarosh Mulla completed a PhD in Architecture by Practice at The University of Auckland, where he is now a Senior Lecturer. Alongside his academic endeavours, he is a director at PAC Studio, a practice building a reputation across a wide spectrum of architecture-related fields: residential projects, commercial buildings, heritage conservation, as well as innovative exhibition, installation and research work.

These projects have been the recipients of NZIA National Awards, Heremagazine’s Best House Award, and a Best Awards Purple Pin. Sarosh will talk through PAC Studio’s recurrent design motifs as illustrated by recent projects, focusing on the way fun and levity pervade the way they practice. He will cover what characterises their work, the way the studio operates, and how that differs from other practices.

Waimataruru located in Otama beach, PAC
Waimataruru located at Otama beach, PAC

Andre de Graaf and Helen Kerr, Isthmus (Auckland)

Creating and meeting demand

Wednesday, 2 April 2025, 6:30 pm.

Register here!

Founded in 1988, Isthmus has staked a position among the nation’s leading urban design firms. They have expanded their field of operation well beyond traditional planning, urban design, and master planning disciplines to include architecture, landscape architecture, infrastructure and graphic design. This work strives to generate positive social and environmental outcomes through a “kaupapa of regenerating Aotearoa by connectingland, people and culture.” Andre and Helen, both Principals at the firm, will share their design kaupapa for regenerating communities, with examples of their urban design tools and Mahi up and down the motu.

The talk will use project examples to compare growth challenges in changing environments, including adaptation master planning in regional towns with declining populations and measures of urban well-being in rapidly growing city neighbourhoods. It will challenge perceptions around what design interventions can make a difference and how to navigate uncertainty.

Isthmus design

Dr Gill Matthewson, Parlour (Melbourne)

The Path to Parlour


Wednesday, 9 April 2025, 6:30 pm.


Register here!

Recently retired from Monash University in Melbourne, Dr Gill Matthewson is a graduate of the University of Auckland. After a decade in practice and decades of teaching, Gill completed a PhD at the University of Queensland on women's careers in the architecture profession. Dr Matthewson was a co-founder of Parlour: women, equity, architecture, a world-leading organisation devoted to studying and supporting gender equity in architecture. Her research extended into demographic studies of the Australian architecture profession as a whole.

Dr Matthewson also contributes regular commentary and analysis on contemporary issues in architecture to Parlour and other professional publications. As an activist, researcher, and writer, Matthewson has long advocated for women in architecture; Dr Matthewson has been described as 'the most persistentcommentator to date' on women in New Zealand architecture. She will be presenting the story of her path and an update on her recent research and advocacy work.

Gill Matthewson profile image
Gill Matthewson, Parlour

Watch more Fast Forward talks online

Architectural render. Credit: Bechu + Associés Nice-Meridia
Credit: Bechu + Associés Nice-Meridia / From Luca Bertacchi's 2023 lecture / Access the lecture recording below

Many of our Fast Forward lectures are recorded and available to watch online following the event. Watch a selection of previous Fast Forward lectures on YouTube.

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If you have any queries about our events, please get in touch.
