Acoustics and Vibration Research Centre
We are New Zealand’s premier acoustics and vibration research group, committed to undertaking high-quality research and seeking opportunities to create meaningful impact across the nation.

Acoustics is the field of science associated with the generation, propagation and effects of sound. Vibrations occur in a wide range of engineering products, from automobile and IT industries to aircraft and turbine blades. Staff in the Acoustics and Vibration Research Centre undertake research on a broad range of subjects within the field of acoustics and vibration.
The Acoustics and Vibration Research Centre brings together a diverse range of staff and students and aims to foster collaboration and collegiality amongst its members. Our members conduct research which has an impact and which is of benefit to New Zealand.
Our research
There is growing interest in acoustics and vibration in a multitude of disciplines and areas, primarily driven by a need to control unwanted vibration and noise which causes annoyance and distraction and can affect health and equity.
Our current research areas of interest include:
- Building acoustics – rain noise, sound propagation in lightweight buildings, acoustic performance of novel building materials
- Aeroacoustics – UAV rotor noise
- Vibroacoustics – analysis and optimisation of sound and vibration transmission through structures and materials
- Communication acoustics (electroacoustics, audio signal processing, spatial acoustics, psychoacoustics, auditory perception, and sound reproduction) – source separation and noise reduction, source localisation and identification, virtual sound reproduction, speech intelligibility, speech masking. Find out more
- Smart and adaptive structures, vibration energy harvesting, origami dynamics, aerodynamic instabilities and flow-induced vibrations, acoustic energy transfer, thermoacoustics engines and refrigerators. Find out more
- Sound and vibration treatment – metamaterials, linear and non-linear dynamic absorbers and isolators, periodic waveguides. Find out more
Prospective postgraduate students are encouraged to find out what projects are available by searching our database.
- MECHENG 370 Electronics and Signal Processing
- MECHENG 371 Digital Circuit Design
- MECHENG 325 Dynamics of Fluids and Structures
- MECHENG 705 Mechatronics Systems
- MECHENG 722 Engineering Vibrations
- MECHENG 726 Acoustics for Engineers
Our facilities

The Acoustic and Vibration Research Centre’s laboratories and technical support are world-class and unique within New Zealand. Our facilities and expertise mean that much of the research we undertake could not be done elsewhere in the country.
Our laboratories include three large reverberation rooms, an anechoic chamber and a listening room, as well as a range of instrumentation that supports academic research and commercial work. We also provide professional services within the field of acoustics. Find out more about the Acoustics Testing Service.
How can you work with us?
Members of the Acoustics and Vibration Research Centre collaborate with researchers and stakeholders within the University as well as externally. Some of our current and recent collaborators include researchers from the University of Auckland's other departments and faculties, as well as from other universities from within and outside New Zealand.
We also have strong relationships and ongoing collaborative work with several local engineering/technology companies, such as Dotterel Technologies, Marshall-Day Acoustics, and Fisher & Paykel Healthcare. We intend to continue to develop these relationships and seek new opportunities to collaborate with academic and industry partners.
If you are interested in working with us, please contact our centre’s director.
Our people
Our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Members of the Acoustics and Vibration Research Centre are involved with several projects to engage with Māori stakeholders and develop strong ties with the Māori community. Dr Justine Hui has been working on a Te Reo pronunciation aid. Associate Professor Yusuke Hioka has also been a part of the AvianZ, a nationwide bird monitoring project which has a strong relationship with Māori community (Ngati Kuta/Te Patukeha Hapu Te Rawhiti).