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Information and communication technologies and software
Embedded systems
Research in high-performance, heterogeneous embedded systems that combine reactive and data-flow processing.
Human Aspects in Software Engineering Lab (HASEL)
Improving software practices and processes with a focus on the human aspects of software engineering.
Operations Research and Computational Analytics
Data-driven decision making informed by theory, algorithms, and computational methods to solve real-world problems.
Parallel and reconfigurable computing
Research towards solving fundamental problems and developing new applications for multi-core processors.
Research projects towards a long-term goal to create robot assistants to interact with, and assist humans in our daily lives.
Smart Digital Lab
The Smart Digital Lab uses emerging and existing digital technologies, to explore, solve and teach complex engineering principles and problems.
Systems and control
Research in collaboration with the School of Biological Sciences, School of Medicine, as well as universities and industries throughout New Zealand.
Telecommunications and electromagnetics
Major fields of research include radio systems, microwave engineering and electromagnetics.