Conjoint degrees

A conjoint degree enables you to complete a BE(Hons) and another degree sooner than pursuing them separately.

Engineering conjoint programmes

Conjoint programmes are most beneficial if you see how other degree components can be beneficial to your proposed career or provide you with skills in other areas, such as languages or commerce, that you'd like to develop further.

Most BE(Hons) conjoint programmes can be completed in five years. For students starting a conjoint with BE(Hons), your programme will generally consist of 420 points worth of courses in Engineering, 255 points from other degree courses, and 15 points from an approved General Education/Waipapa Taumata Rau course. 

The conjoint degree combinations currently available with Engineering are:

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA/BE(Hons))
  • Bachelor of Commerce (BCom/BE(Hons))
  • Bachelor of Design (BDes/BE(Hons))
  • Bachelor of Music (BE(Hons)/BMus)
  • Bachelor of Science (BE(Hons)/BSc)

You can structure a conjoint degree in several ways, but your BE(Hons) requirements remain the same regardless of your other component. Be vigilant when planning your conjoint, and feel free to contact a course adviser for help.

Part I

All BE(Hons) conjoint students are expected to follow the following Part I structure:

Semester One

  • ENGGEN 121 - Engineering Mechanics (15 points)
  • ENGGEN 140 - Engineering Biology and Chemistry (15 points)
  • ENGSCI 111 - Mathematical Modelling 1 (15 points)

Semester Two

  • CHEMMAT 121 - Materials Science (15 points)
  • ELECTENG 101 - Electrical and Digital Systems (15 points)
  • ENGGEN 115 - Principles of Engineering Design (15 points)
  • ENGGEN 131 - Engineering Computation and Software Development (15 points)

Semester One or Two

**A student enrolled in a conjoint programme must complete one Waipapa Taumata Rau faculty-specific course and may choose one from either component degree in their conjoint programme.

Parts II, III and IV

The subsequent years of your BE(Hons) conjoint will include enrolling in:

  • 15 points from ENGGEN 204 - Managing Design and Communication
  • 195 points at Parts II and III from courses listed in your BE(Hons) specialisation’s schedule
  • 105 points at Part IV (including ENGGEN 403 - Managing a Business) from courses listed in your BE(Hons) specialisation’s schedule
  • 299 Workshop Practice
  • ENGGEN 499 - Practical Work

As per the University of Auckland’s regulations, you are not allowed to enrol in courses containing substantially similar content.

The following combinations are not permitted:

  • Software Engineering and a:
    • Bachelor of Commerce in Information Management
    • Bachelor of Commerce in Information Systems
    • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
    • Bachelor of Science in Data Science

The following combinations require approval from your BE(Hons) specialisation adviser:

  • Biomedical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Physiology or Pharmacology
  • Computer Systems Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Physics or Applied Physics
  • Engineering Science and a:
    • Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics
    • Bachelor of Science in Logic and Computation
    • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
    • Bachelor of Science in Physics or Applied Physics
    • Bachelor of Science in Statistics
  • Software Engineering and a:
    • Bachelor of Arts in Logic and Computation
    • Bachelor of Science in Logic and Computation

Course planning and enrolment

Planning a conjoint can be complex – a normal course load is a total of 135 points over two semesters, as opposed to the standard BE(Hons), which already requires a challenging 120 points each year. Entry requirements for a conjoint are higher too; a B/B+ average is required for your final full-time year of study.

Please note that we don’t permit courses outside the approved schedule because conjoints require you to complete fewer points than a standard BE(Hons).

Your timetable will be a major constraint when selecting courses for your conjoint. You are advised to select your BE(Hons) courses before considering your other degree component, as the latter usually provides more timetable flexibility.

If you don’t meet necessary course prerequisites or encounter timetable clashes, you’ll have to apply for an enrolment concession online. You will then be assigned the requested course where appropriate by faculty staff.

We highly recommend referring to the following conjoint planners for each BE(Hons) specialisation to ensure that you’re fulfilling the requirements for your programme.

Planners for students starting Part II from 2021 to 2025

Planners for students who started Part II before 2021

You should also discuss your selections with undergraduate course advisers from both faculties and check your programme requirements in Student Services Online.