Unfurling fern frond with open green fern leaves in the background

Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services

Students sitting at a table working together over papers

Did you grow up in New Zealand? Volunteer with the ‘Let's Talk to locals’ group, and connect with students from all around the world through conversation.

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A stencil of a white clock on a turquoise background.

Opening hours and locations of our libraries and information commons.

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The letter 'i' in a circle to signify information.

Have a question, or need help with some of our services? Ask us.

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artwork of a parrot eating pomegranates

Explore our vast variety of scholarly and cultural collections, information and resources.

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female student using laptop in library

Find out about the process for setting up your library account and borrowing and requesting items.

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Black and white photo of man looking through telescope

Read about what's going on at the library, including our latest news, notices and major events.

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Graphic of a needle and thread over a blue/green background

Join us for the first ever Crafting corner and bring along your creative projects, or learn something new!

Rēhita ināianei | Register now
Young girl sitting on an open book that is flying through clouds, using a telescope with an excited expression

Request digital and print items not available in our collections with Interlibrary Loans.

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