Our kaupapa

He Māra Mahara | Cultural Collections cares for a broad range of material collected primarily for learning, teaching and research purposes. Our collections reflect the history and cultural identity of Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland and the wider communities of which it is a part.

We are committed to ensuring the materials in our care are accessible now and in the future.

Our work includes a firm commitment to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We actively develop and encourage relationships with iwi and hapū to ensure appropriate care of taonga.

Indigenous and Cultural Intellectual Property (ICIP)

He Māra Mahara has developed a position on Indigenous intellectual property that sits alongside our copyright obligations. We commit to fostering dialogue and engagement with relevant stakeholders and undertake to ensure material is treated and described appropriately, and that collection-related enquiries and concerns may be raised and addressed.

Read the full statement.

Statement on language

He Māra Mahara aims to describe material in a manner that is respectful to the individuals and communities who create, use, and are represented in its holdings.

The language and terminology used in some descriptions and collection items, however, reflects the age of the material. Current users may find some language objectionable and outdated. Older descriptions may also be inaccurate or incomplete.

He Māra Mahara acknowledges this and encourages users to provide feedback to support respectful and inclusive description. If you encounter concerning or inaccurate descriptions, please email He Māra Mahara.