Master of Energy study tracks
Possible specialisation tracks and electives for candidates pursuing a Master of Energy programme.
Energy as a field of study can be approached from many academic disciplines and angles, and the Master of Energy is therefore open to students with many different undergraduate backgrounds, with the opportunity to choose from a variety of elective courses.
The following recommended MEnergy specialisation tracks detail selections of commonly chosen courses that fit the backgrounds of most students.
Choosing your electives/specialisation tracks
You are strongly recommended to choose their electives within specialisation tracks that fit your previous study background and preferred future direction. You may also want to align your choice of MEnergy research project in line with your chosen electives. If you are pursuing:
- A 120-point MEnergy, you will generally complete one track (three electives) alongside a 45-point research project
- A 180-point MEnergy, you will generally choose seven electives and a 45-point research project. This allows the selection from a wider range of electives, or two specialised study tracks
Most postgraduate (700-level) courses may be eligible to count towards the MEnergy programme, though in some cases, you may have to apply for enrolment concessions. Your request will then be evaluated against course prerequisites and suitability.
In all cases, we recommend making yourself aware of the most up-to-date information on specific prerequisites and timing on Student Services Online. Not all courses will be scheduled every semester. Please note that for all except the Geothermal track, you will usually be required to start your programme in Semester One.
Track 1: Optimal Energy and Transport Decision-Making
This track focuses on modern mathematical decision-making algorithms and tools for complex decision-making in uncertain environments, especially the energy and transport sectors. Students generally require a solid foundation in mathematics and statistics. The following pages may be useful for those interested in courses in:
Suggested electives
ENGSCI 760 Algorithms for Optimisation (Semester One)
Meta-heuristics and local search techniques such as genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search and ant colony optimisation for practical optimisation. Introduction to optimisation under uncertainty, including discrete event simulation, decision analysis, Markov chains and Markov decision processes and dynamic programming.
Prerequisite: COMPSCI 101 or ENGGEN 131
STATS 762 Regression for Data Science (Semester One)
Application of the generalised linear model to fit data arising from a wide range of sources, including multiple linear regression models, Poisson regression, and logistic regression models. The graphical exploration of data. Model building for prediction and causal inference. Other regression models, such as quantile regression. A basic understanding of vector spaces, matrix algebra and calculus will be assumed.
Prerequisite: STATS 707 or 210 or 225, and 15 points from STATS 201, 207, 208 or a B+ or higher in BIOSCI 209 Restriction: STATS 330STATS
STATS 726 Time Series (Semester Two)
Stationary processes, modelling and estimation in the time domain, forecasting and spectral analysis.
Prerequisite: STATS 210, and 320 or 325
ENGSCI 763 Advanced Simulation and Stochastic Optimisation (Semester Two)
Advanced simulation topics with an emphasis on optimisation under uncertainty. Uniform and non-uniform random variate generation, input distribution selection, output analysis, and variance reduction. Simulation-based optimisation and stochastic programming. Two-stage and multi-stage programs with recourse. Modelling risk. Decomposition algorithms. Scenario construction and solution validation.
Prerequisite: ENGSCI 391 or ENGSCI 765
Track 2: Economics
Learn more about how energy technologies and projects are impacted by economic and regulatory decisions and vice versa. Students generally require some foundation in economics, although most courses don't contain prerequisites.
If you have a sufficient background in economics, you may consider postgraduate courses in micro- and macro-economics or econometrics that can complement economic analysis and/or modelling of energy, electricity, climate change, and other energy-related policies. For more information, visit the Department of Economics.
Suggested electives
ECON 777 Economic Development and Wellbeing (Semester Two – formerly ECON 771)
Examines economy-wide issues in development, focusing on key factors and using real-world examples. Emphasis is placed on extracting policy insights from recent research and country experiences. Topics include geography, institutions, social welfare, and policy design for enhancing well-being in developing nations.
Restriction: ECON 771
Track 3: Disaster Risk Management and Development
This is a particularly useful path if you're interested in how energy projects can impact a country’s development, especially around rural electrification, climate change impact and mitigation, solar projects and rural development. You may consider a mix of development, sustainability and risk management subjects.
Suggested electives
DISMGT 701 Disaster Risk Management (Semester One)
A broad-based understanding of the critical elements of risk and risk management in pre- and post-disaster scenarios. Key elements include risk identification with regard to the forms and types of risk inherent in areas prone to disasters. Risk management approaches are explored and applied to different aspects of disaster management.
DISMGT 703 Disaster Management and Resilience (Semester One)
Disaster management concepts and approaches related to urban resilience, including societal and infrastructure resilience. Key elements include exploring holistic approaches to disaster management and assessing the relationship between resilience and disaster management. This includes systems and complexity, policy and general regulatory environment. This course involves group work and a course project.
Track 4: Wind Energy and Advanced Thermal Systems
This track is generally aimed at those with strong interest in wind energy and/or thermodynamics, their technology, and applications. The latter include the utilisation of resources and wind farm sizing in different locations, the analysis and optimisation of heat pumps, and applications of binary plants in geothermal energy.
This option suits those with backgrounds in mechanical or industrial engineering. For more options in 700-level courses in Mechanical Engineering, you can also consult the University of Auckland Calendar.
Suggested electives
MECHENG 711 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Semester Two)
Application of computational methods to fluid dynamics and heat transfer. Finite volume and finite difference methods. Convergence and stability. Mesh generation and post-processing. Application of commercial computer programs to industrial problems. An individual project in which the student will be required to apply a commercial CFD code to a research problem of the student's choice.
Restriction: MECHENG 718.
MECHENG 712 Aerohydrodynamics (Semester One)
The study of fluid mechanics relevant to external flows, e.g., wind turbines, yachts, aircraft or wind loadings on buildings, boundary layers, and computational fluid dynamics.
Prerequisite: MECHENG 325.
MECHENG 715 Building Services (Semester Two)
Principles and practice of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R), psychrometry, heating/cooling loads, mass transfer and air quality, refrigeration/heat pump systems, cooling towers, pumps, fans, valves, pipes and ducts.
Prerequisite: MECHENG 325.
Track 5: Geothermal Energy
This is one of the core specialisation tracks of the MEnergy, and involves plenty of input from the University's Geothermal Institute. Be aware that core geothermal courses are generally taught in Semester Two each year.
Suggested electives
GEOTHERM 601 Geothermal Resources and their Use (Semester Two)
Worldwide occurrence of geothermal systems, introductory geology, volcanoes and volcanic rocks, New Zealand geothermal systems, structure of the TVZ, hydrothermal alteration, permeability and porosity, introduction to geochemistry of geothermal systems, geothermal surface manifestations, water compositions, geothermometry, silica geochemistry, overview of geophysics for geothermal exploration, geothermal resource assessment.
Corequisite: GEOTHERM 602, and 603 or 620.
GEOTHERM 602 Geothermal Energy Technology (Semester Two)
Worldwide geothermal development, types of geothermal systems, thermodynamics, properties of water and steam tables, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, steam-field equipment, geothermal power stations, geothermal drilling, wellbore processes, completion tests, downhole measurements, reinjection, corrosion, stored heat, Darcy's law, cold groundwater, geothermal reservoirs, direct use, reservoir modelling, reservoir monitoring and steam-field management.
Corequisite: GEOTHERM 601.
GEOTHERM 603 Geothermal Exploration (Semester Two)
Hydrothermal alteration, clays, fluid inclusions, direct use, subsidence, scaling and corrosion in geothermal wells, production geochemistry, environmental aspects of geothermal development, feasibility study, physical properties of rocks and self-potential (SP), magnetics, thermal methods, gravity, seismic methods, electrical methods, magneto-tellurics (MT).
Corequisite: GEOTHERM 601, 602.
GEOTHERM 620 Geothermal Engineering (Semester Two)
Completion tests, wellbore flow, two-phase flow, geothermal power cycles, flow measurements, direct use of geothermal energy, environmental effects, scaling and corrosion in geothermal wells, drilling engineering, flow measurements, steam-field operation and maintenance, subsidence, waste heat rejection, heat exchangers, geothermal well-test analysis, stimulation, pipeline design, feasibility study, reservoir modelling theory, TOUGH2, reservoir modelling process, case study (data and conceptual model, natural state modelling), Wairakei model.
Corequisite: GEOTHERM 601, 602.
Track 6: Electrical/Power Systems
The Power Systems track is aimed at those with a strong foundation in electrical/power systems engineering and an interest in the technical and market implications of integrating new, renewable energy technologies – such as wind, solar and geothermal – in existing grids and/or standalone village grids.
Suggested electives
ELECTENG 731 Power Systems (Semester One)
Builds on the knowledge of three-phase power systems components to understand modelling, formulation and typical analysis carried out by electricity transmission, distribution and generation entities. Load flow, fault, stability and power quality. Supplemented by laboratories where students learn to use professional software to implement the theoretical aspects.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 309. Restriction: ELECTENG 411
ELECTENG 703 Advanced Power Systems (Semester Two)
Electricity markets: structure, pricing, optimisation, ancillary services; Power system protection practices; Distribution network development: Smart Grid, demand side participation; HVDC and FACT devices theory and application; renewable energy grid integration.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 731. Restriction: ELECTENG 738
ELECTENG 738 Selected Topics in Advanced Power Systems (Semester Two)
Electricity markets: structure, pricing, optimisation, ancillary services, power system protection practices, distribution network development, smart grids, demand side participation, integration of DG/renewable sources and electric vehicles. Core concepts are extended by an individual research project, a self-guided protection laboratory and industry engagement in advanced power system practices.
Prerequisite: ELECTENG 731. Restriction: ELECTENG 703
Other common electives
Other electives include Environmental Management, Sustainability, General Engineering and Project Management courses, such as:
ENVMGT 741 Social Change for Sustainability (Semester Two)
ENVMGT 742 Social Dimensions of Global Environmental Change (Semester One)
ENVMGT 744 Resource Management (Semester Two)
ENVMGT 746 Collaborative Environmental Management (Semester One)
ENVSCI 701 Research Practice in Environmental Science (Semester One)
ENVENG 702 Engineering Decision Making in Aotearoa (Semester One and Semester Two)
ENVENG 752 Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment (Semester Two)