Stage Two courses


Students in the second year of the BUrbPlan(Hons) take these courses: 

  • Semester One:
    • URBPLAN 221, 222, 225
  • Semester Two:

URBPLAN 205 - Urban Infrastructure and Transportation Planning

  • Course prescription: Examines the issues surrounding the planning, development and funding of different types of social and physical infrastructure, including transportation, energy, renewable energy, and water and sewerage management, using local and international case studies and examples. 
  • Semester availability: Semester Two
  • Programme restriction: BUrbPlan(Hons)
  • Prerequisite: URBPLAN 101-105, or BLTENV 101-103 and URBPLAN 101, 124, 125
  • Points: 15

URBPLAN 221 - People, Housing and Communities

  • Course prescription: Critically explores culture, democracy, and urban social theories and issues, such as social justice and cohesion, social dislocation and urban gentrification, taking into account cultural values, mātauranga Māori and kaupapa Māori. Explores urban planning responses and community engagement methods, including social impact assessments, explorations of housing policies and practices, and transportation planning responses to social dislocation.
  • Semester availability: Semester One 
  • Programme restriction: BUrbPlan(Hons) 
  • Prerequisite: URBPLAN 101, 122-126, or BLTENV 101-103 and URBPLAN 101, 124, 125
  • Restriction: URBPLAN 204
  • Points: 15

URBPLAN 222 - Urban Economics

  • Course prescription: Explores economic theories at both micro and macro levels and their direct relevance to urban planning policy development and decision-making processes. Analyses urban land use economics, economic models such as cost-benefit analysis (CBA), the housing market, and the role of planning strategies in facilitating or impeding efficient land and property markets.
  • Semester availability: Semester One
  • Programme restriction: BUrbPlan(Hons)
  • Prerequisite: URBPLAN 101, 122-126, or BLTENV 101-103 and URBPLAN 101, 124, 125
  • Restriction: URBPLAN 304
  • Points: 15

URBPLAN 223 - Planning Law and Applications

  • Course prescription: Introduces the New Zealand land tenure, property and land ownership, property rights, and the relevant legislation. Provides a critical understanding of the framework, concepts, principles, functions, and development processes of the environment, resource management and urban planning legislation, practices and decision-making, and the applications of legislation and legal principles to practical planning issues and situations.
  • Semester availability: Semester Two 
  • Programme restriction: BUrbPlan(Hons)
  • Prerequisite: URBPLAN 101, 122-126, or BLTENV 101-103 and URBPLAN 101, 124, 125
  • Restriction: URBPLAN 202
  • Points: 15

URBPLAN 225 - Urban Planning Studio 2

  • Course prescription: Focuses on holistic and multi-dimensional approaches to community re-generation across its various dimensions and the mitigation of adverse impacts of urban gentrification and social dislocation of existing communities, including Māori whānau. Explores built environment, public realm placemaking, infrastructure provision, accessibility, and energy-efficient and socially equitable planning strategies and skills to undertake a medium-scale precinct regeneration.
  • Semester availability: Semester One 
  • Programme restriction: BUrbPlan(Hons)
  • Prerequisite: URBPLAN 101, 122-126, or BLTENV 101-103 and URBPLAN 101, 124, 125
  • Points: 30

URBPLAN 226 - Urban Planning Studio 3

  • Course prescription: Undertake an in-depth consideration of an environmental threat currently or potentially challenging community planning practices, taking into account socially equitable outcomes and Māori resource interests, rights, and worldview. Explorations of impacts of environmental threats such as climate change and the challenges of creating resilient, sustainable, and equitable communities for mitigating and/or adapting to impacts of natural threats.
  • Semester availability: Semester Two 
  • Programme restriction: BUrbPlan(Hons)
  • Prerequisite: URBPLAN 101, 122-126, or BLTENV 101-103 and URBPLAN 101, 124, 125
  • Points: 30