Each year, the Faculty of Engineering and Design opens its doors to secondary school girls for Enginuity, aimed at informing young women about the exciting possibilities of careers in engineering.
Enginuity is a once-a-year opportunity for secondary school girls to explore the possibility of a career as an engineer during a day of activities at the University of Auckland’s Faculty of Engineering and Design.
Various workshop activities will demonstrate the creativity and problem-solving processes engineers use in real life while giving students an opportunity to try engineering hands-on. Professional engineers, lecturers and current students will be there talk to students about engineering careers and what it’s like to study here at the University of Auckland.
Enginuity Day 2025
When: Thursday, 26 June 2025
Where: University of Auckland Faculty of Engineering and Design
"There are more opportunities in engineering than I previously realised – it’s more than Calculus and Physics, it’s practical. It can be a glove controlled shooter game or a smartphone gaming app, for example – engineering can be for pleasure. This enginuity day showcased all the ‘hidden’ aspects of engineering, and promoted understanding in a helpful way that I would recommend to any students considering working in the field [...] I learnt that the future is limitless; it is not bound by gender or stereotypes."
Madison Hornblow, Te Aho O Te Kura Pounamu
"One of the more striking comments from the student panel was, 'don’t hesitate in taking opportunities.' So whether you have any doubts, or if you are dead set on engineering, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised – as I have. It was because of this event that I decided to shed my perpetual state of ambiguity with my career choice, and set my heart on becoming an engineer."
Cailey Dayu, Ormiston School
"We each have a unique toolbox comprised of life experience, daily experience, school experience, sport experience, and anything else that we know without knowing we know, which can empower us to improve the conditions of life we see around us, if we know how to be creative in how we approach this toolbox."
April Reid, Te Aho O Te Kura Pounamu
"This day really exposed a variety of things you can do with an engineering degree and the places it can take you. Talking to many people who have been through the same process you’re currently wading through was incredible helpful as they hold the wisdom of hindsight, thus knowing how the degree works in its entirety. Meeting students from all over the country was also a wonderful experience, a room full of intelligent young women brimming with potential and all glad to be given the chance to explore the option of engineering in this busy day."
Callia Drinkwater, Orewa College