Enginuity Day activities

Here are the activities designed to help you get hands-on with Engineering during Enginuity Day 2024.

Mechanical Engineering 

Acoustics Laboratory Tour 

Immerse yourself in the world of sound where you'll experience captivating acoustics chamber adventures and immersive virtual reality journeys, exploring how sound shapes our everyday lives and influences technology, art, and communication.
Biomedical Engineering  Embark on a journey of medical breakthroughs tailored to improving lives – from analysing 3D beating hearts to discovering the muscle-boosting power of kiwifruit enzymes and revolutionising prosthetics through muscle electrophysiology, driving innovation in healthcare.
Chemical and Materials Engineering Indulge your curiosity with hands-on activities like crafting chocolate noodles, exploring sustainable energy futures, and transforming dirty water into clean, showcasing the pivotal role of individuals in shaping a sustainable and resilient future through chemical engineering.

Civil Engineering

Protecting Coastal Communities and Ecosystems 

Dive into the world of coastal engineering, where you'll create breaking waves in a mini flume and explore how engineering solutions protect coastal communities and ecosystems, contributing to a safer and more sustainable planet.

Mechanical Engineering

Electric Vehicles

Unleash your creativity and engineering prowess as you design and build electric vehicles, revolutionising transportation and contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.
Engineering Science Experience the thrill of diamond cut optimisation and predict the mesmerising behaviour of liquids with water bell experiments, unlocking the secrets of fluid dynamics.

Mechatronics Engineering

Helping Hands: Autonomous Robots

Join the frontline of healthcare innovation as you code autonomous robots to support nurses in hospitals, revolutionising patient care and easing healthcare burdens.

Computer Systems Engineering 

The Amazing Robot Race

Race against the clock to unleash the potential of robotics in healthcare, speech recognition, and beyond, developing cutting-edge technology solutions that improve lives and transform industries.

Software Engineering 

Think Like a Software User

Dive into the world of software design, where creativity meets empathy to craft user-friendly mobile apps that solve real-world problems.

Electrical Engineering

Sonic Sleuths

Engage in the exciting realm of sound engineering, unravelling the mysteries of speech technology and paving the way for inclusive communication solutions in all languages.
Structural Engineering Build resilient structures and explore seismic design principles, shaping safer and more sustainable communities.