Postgraduate and Doctoral scholarships - Creative Arts and Industries

Alongside the University of Auckland scholarships, we also offer major scholarships to postgraduate Creative Arts and Industries students.

Person sitting on flood, looking at laptop, holding a mug in one hand.

University of Auckland postgraduate scholarships

University of Auckland guaranteed scholarships for high-achieving research postgraduate students

The University of Auckland is committed to ensuring the very best students are able to study with us. We offer guaranteed scholarships to high-achieving postgraduate research students.
Our postgraduate scholarships are some of the most generous in New Zealand. We continue to grow the number of postgraduate scholarships available, offering 200 new University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships each year.

Find out more about our guaranteed postgraduate scholarships.

Creative Arts and Industries scholarships

Dulcie Bowman Memorial Scholarship

FAME Emerging Practitioner Award

Fatu Feu’u Pacific Arts Prize

George McWhirter Memorial Scholarship

  • Up to $10,000
  • Applicable study: Dissertation or thesis relating to housing issues.
  • Closing dates and further information

Professor Michael Walker Scholarship for Māori and Pacific Students

Taitea Masters Award in Creative Research

  • Up to $10,000 for assistance with study.
  • Applicable study: Students from University of Auckland equity groups enrolled in a research Masters programme with substantial creative component.
  • Closing dates and further information

Architecture scholarships

Architecture Centenary Award

Frederick Ost Scholarship in Architecture

Murray Wren Masters Scholarship in Architecture

Murray Wren Doctoral Scholarship in Architecture

  • $27,000 each year for up to three years for assistance, plus domestic PhD fees and international student health insurance.
  • Applicable study: PhD in Architecture.
  • Closing dates and further information

Warren and Mahoney Masters Award

  • Up to $10,000 in total.
  • Applicable study: Māori students and Pacific students enrolled in a Master of Architecture (Professional).
  • Closing dates and further information

William Chick Doctoral Scholarship in Architecture

Dance scholarships

Gavin and Susan Walker Postgraduate Scholarship in Dance Studies

Kotahitanga Korikori Dance Movement Therapy for Empowerment Scholarship

Design scholarships

Design Bring Your Own Device Award

  • Up to $2,500 each
  • Applicable study: Master of Design to assist with the purchase of a course related device.
  • Further information

Master of Design Diversity Award

  • $5,000 each
  • Applicable study: students from diverse backgrounds enrolling in a Master of Design
  • Further information

Fine Arts scholarships

Carole Ada Cliff Doctoral Scholarship

  • Up to $5,500 for one year of assistance.
  • Applicable study: First Year of DocFA or PhD in Fine Arts.
  • Further information

Denise Gerard Scholarships

Henrietta and Lola Anne Tunbridge Scholarship

Anne Reid Memorial Trust Scholarship

  • Up to $30,000
  • Applicable study: PhD or other approved Doctorate or Masters Level study in Art History, English Literature, Music, or Fine Arts at a recognised overseas institution.
  • Closing dates and further information

Jean Hamlin Memorial Scholarship

Joe Raynes Scholarship

  • Up to $1,500 for one year for financial assistance for the promotion of the study of drawing, painting and design.
  • Applicable study: Full-time or part-time MFA.
  • Closing dates and further information

Paul Beadle Scholarship

The Snickel Lane Urban Art Award

Todd Trust Scholarship in Fine Arts

Music scholarships

Ada Kathleen and Barbara Ellen Watson Scholarships

Anne Bellam Scholarship

  • Up to $30,000 for study overseas and up to $10,000 for study at the University of Auckland. 
  • Applicable study: Music performance students completing degrees or diplomas.
  • Closing dates and further information

Beatrice Ratcliffe Postgraduate Scholarship in Music

Anne Reid Memorial Trust Scholarship

  • Up to $30,000
  • Applicable study: PhD or other approved Doctorate or Masters Level study in Art History, English Literature, Music, or Fine Arts at a recognised overseas institution.
  • Closing dates and further information

Evelyn M Harrison Scholarships

  • Up to $10,000 for one year for assistance and support.
  • Applicable study: Student of singing enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate programme in the University of Auckland’s School of Music.
  • Closing dates and further information

Fehl Charitable Trust Scholarships

Graeme Edwards Award in Music

Greta Ostova Violoncello Scholarship

Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust Vinka Marinovich Awards in Music

  • Up to $8,000 for one year for assistance with study.
  • Applicable study: Year three of a BMus, BMus(Hons), MMus, DMus, DMA or PhD in Music.
  • Closing dates and further information

Kathleen Mary Reardon Travelling Scholarship in Music 

KBB Music Postgraduate Jazz Award

  • Up to $2,000 for one year for assistance.
  • Applicable study: Master of Music, Bachelor of Music (Honours) or Postgraduate Diploma in Music.
  • Further information

Michael Redshaw Historical Instrument Performance Scholarship

  • Up to $5,000
  • Applicable study: For international and domestic students undertaking postgraduate research in Music, focusing on the area of historical performance.
  • Closing dates and further information

Opie & Bridge Vocal Scholarship

PenCello Support Award

Reardon Postgraduate Scholarship in Music

  • $7,000
  • Applicable study: All postgraduate programmes in the School of Music for Performance students.
  • Closing dates and further information

Rive Memorial Award

Taurus Charitable Trust Postgraduate Scholarships in Music

Urban Design and Urban Planning scholarships

Lucy Ullrich Memorial Scholarship in Urban Design

  • Up to $5,000
  • Applicable study: Woman student studying towards a Master of Urban Design
  • Further information

Philip Deibert PhD Scholarship in Planning

  • Up to $27,600 pa plus $7,250 towards compulsory domestic fees.
  • Applicable study: For full-time or part-time enrolment in a PhD in Planning
  • Further information

Town Planning Silver Jubilee Award

  • $1,000 for one year for assistance with postgraduate study
    in Planning.
  • Applicable study: Masters degree in Urban Planning
  • Further information

Summer Research Scholarships

These offer you the chance to work with academic staff over the summer on a research topic of interest to you.

Find out more about Summer Research Scholarships.

More scholarships

You might be pleasantly surprised at the amount of scholarships available.

Find out more about scholarships and awards.