Health & Wellbeing
The department’s health and well-being research focuses broadly on biological materials and engineered biomaterials.
Our researchers study the biomechanics of the soft-hard tissue junction between bone and cartilage and degenerative processes in tissues. We design and create engineered materials and interfaces in the biomaterials space to better mimic, understand or control cells and tissues. Examples of this include hydrogels with spatiotemporal control over mechanical properties. A more applied example is the development of biomaterials for ocular surgery.
We additionally have an interest in using the concepts of self-assembly to create dynamic, reconfigurable and functional materials. In this space, we investigate the properties and functionalisation of biological polymers and nanostructures. Many of our researchers are connected to the research centre on Innovative Materials for Health and Water, where transdisciplinary teams come together to work towards solutions of significant challenges.
Key people
Principal Investigators
Reza Arjmandi
Laura Domigan
Jenny Malmström
Ashvin Thambyah
Technical Support
Alec Asadov
David Cotton
Ray Hoffmann
Laura Liang
Peter Martin
Matthew Sidford
Qingping (Frank) Wu
Tianping (Balan) Zhu