Postgraduate Architecture courses


Enrolment information

  1. Students must use My Programme Requirements to view the courses that are part of their degree, and this will include non-Architecture courses in the combined degrees.
  2. Each programme page has a sample structures diagram as a visual reference to assist with planning your studies and enrolling in your courses
  3. Below are the core taught and thesis courses offered in Architecture.

Elective seminar courses

  • These can be taken as part of many of the postgraduate programmes in Architecture, and Heritage Conservation.

Taught core courses

ARCHDES 700 - Advanced Design 1

  • Course prescription: A studio-based inquiry into an architectural topic approved by the Head of the School of Architecture and Planning intended to facilitate in-depth study that is both tailored to a student's own interest and aligned with the school's research clusters, sharing workshops, discussions, pin-ups and tutorials.
  • Semester availability: Semester One 
  • Programme restriction: MArch(Prof) or combined version
  • Points: 30

ARCHDES 701 - Advanced Design 2

  • Course prescription: A studio-based inquiry into an architectural topic approved by the Head of the School of Architecture and Planning intended to facilitate in-depth study that is both tailored to a student's own interest and aligned with the school's research clusters, sharing workshops, discussions, presentations and tutorials.
  • Semester availability: Semester Two 
  • Programme restriction: MArch(Prof) or combined version
  • Points: 30

ARCHDES 702 - Adaptive Reuse

  • Course prescription: A studio-based inquiry into an architectural topic in the field of adaptive reuse, approved by the Head of the School of Architecture and Planning.
  • Semester availability: Semester Two
  • Programme restriction: MArch(Prof)HerCons or MHerCons
  • Points: 30

ARCHGEN 702 - Research Process

  • Course prescription: An introduction to the research process including: research paradigms and strategies, the identification of research topics and research questions, the review and critique of literature, research methodologies, the structuring of research theses and reports, referencing and the preparation of a bibliography. The focus of the course is on preparing students to undertake their own research projects.
  • Semester availability: Semesters One and Two
  • Restriction: ARCHGEN 400, 700
  • Points: 15

ARCHGEN 703 - Design as Research

  • Course prescription: Examines the literature on, and approaches to, research by design. Considers research processes and architectural design processes and the ways in which these processes might be creatively combined in the context of a masters-level design thesis, in order that the thesis process and outcomes might meet the expectations of a research-based thesis.
  • Semester availability: Semester Two 
  • Restriction: ARCHGEN 300
  • Points: 15

ARCHPRM 700 - Project Management

  • Course prescription: The management of the building project from inception to tendering. An examination of client needs and agreements, feasibility studies, project constraints, cost planning and control, consultants, administration and quality control. An analysis of all aspects of the contracts and documentation during construction and final project accounts.
  • Semester availability: Semester Two
  • Course restriction: Only for students who do not have a New Zealand BAS degree.  
  • Restriction: ARCHPRM 304, 305
  • Points: 15

ARCHPRM 701 - Practice Management

  • Course prescription: The New Zealand legal system and the law of contract and torts; negotiations, negligence, disputes and remedies relevant to architects in practice. An examination of the requirements for establishing and maintaining an architectural practice as a business venture as well as strategic market management, financial planning, insurance and taxation.
  • Semester availability: Semester One 
  • Programme restriction: MArch(Prof) or combined versions
  • Points: 15

ARCHTECH 706 - Building Materials and Technologies

  • Course prescription: Explores the selection and integration of appropriate materials, components and systems in relation to the different contexts, scales and stages of the design, documentation, procurement and construction of projects in alignment with the National Standard of Competency for Architects.
  • Semester availability: Semester One
  • Course restriction: Only for students who do not have a New Zealand BAS degree.
  • Restricted against: ARCHTECH 307, 312, 314, 315
  • Points: 15

Thesis courses

These are double-semester coursesPlease note:

  • You must enrol in the 'A' and 'B' components, e.g. ARCHDES 796A in Semester One and ARCHDES 796B in Semester Two.
  • You have until the fourth Friday of the first semester in which you enrol into the A component to make changes without penalty.
  • After this point you are considered enrolled for the complete points value of the course, including if part-time.
  • You are liable for the total fees for the whole course (full or part-time), and this includes if you withdraw from the course.

MArch(Prof), MArch(Prof)HerCons, MArch(Prof)HousSt and MArch(Prof)UrbDes

ARCHDES 796A + ARCHDES 796B - 120pt Thesis

  • Course prescription: A thesis involving a design-based discourse on a topic approved by the Head of School of Architecture and Planning for the degree of Master of Architecture (Professional) under the guidance of an appointed supervisor.
  • Start: Semester One or Two 
  • Prerequisite: 
    • MArch(Prof):
      • Completion of the taught component of the degree, and,
      • An average GPA of 4.0 (B-) or higher across 90 points of taught courses
    • MArch(Prof) combined versions:
      • Completion of the taught component of the degree, and,
      • An average GPA of 4.0 (B-) or higher across 120 points of taught courses


ARCHDES 797A (30pts) + 797B (60pts) - 90pt Thesis

  • Course prescription: A thesis involving a design-based discourse on a topic approved by the Head of School of Architecture and Planning for the Degree of Master of Architecture (Professional) and Urban Planning (Professional).
  • Start: Semester One of each year
  • Prerequisite: 
    • Completion of the taught component of the degree, and,
    • An average GPA of 4.0 or higher across 180 points of taught courses in the MArch(Prof)UrbPlan(Prof) degree
    • ARCHDES 700, 701, ARCHGEN 703 OR ARCHPRM 700, ARCHPRM 701, URBPLAN 701-708
  • Note: Students enrol in URBPLAN 709 (15pts) and one elective seminar (15pts) alongside the ARCHDES 797A (30pts) component of the thesis.

MArch and MArch - Sustainable Design

ARCHGEN 793A + ARCHGEN 793B – 120pt Thesis

  • Course prescription: A study of research processes, together with a thesis involving a discourse on a topic approved by the Head of School or Architecture and Planning for the degree of Master of Architecture under the guidance of an appointed supervisor.
  • Start: Semester One, Semester Two, and 1 December of each year
  • Restriction: ARCHGEN 795, 796, 797

ARCHGEN 795A + ARCHGEN 795B – 90pt Thesis

  • Course prescription: A study of research processes, together with a thesis involving a discourse on a topic approved by the Head of School or Architecture and Planning for the degree of Master of Architecture under the guidance of an appointed supervisor.
  • Start: Semester, Semester Two, and 1 December of each year
  • Restriction: ARCHGEN 793, 796, 797
  • Note: Students must take one elective seminar in each semester alongside the thesis.